ENTIRETY & SELF documentation portal

Welcome to the documentation portal. Click here to jump straight to a snapshot about ENTIRETY or here to find out the key information about SELF.

Alternatively, below is a short video intro from the founder:

There are two parts to this project: SELF and ENTIRETY.

ENTIRETY provides an ethical and individualized alternative to the products of Big Tech, emphasizing ownership and control of personal data, along with personalized optimization for each user, with every ENTIRETY offering centered around the individual. It does this by incorporating SELF, the adaptive AI at the core of the ENTIRETY ecosystem. In a business context, ENTIRETY aims to positively influence the sustainable transformation of all industry sectors through decentralized, high-speed, energy-efficient infrastructure.

The centerpiece of this system is SELF; a private, ethical, hyper-personalized, and adaptive AI assistant that learns and adapts to users' needs, habits, preferences, and characteristics - simplifying and streamlining workflow, productivity, and daily tasks.

The second component is a breakthrough Layer-1 blockchain (ENTIRETY CHAIN) that utilizes an innovative, patented, and highly efficient consensus mechanism called Proof-of-AI (PoAI).

The third major component is a Software Development Kit (SDK), enabling developers to create their own decentralized applications within a principled, fair, and efficient developer ecosystem. Each application built through the ENTIRETY SDK will have access to a hyper-efficient blockchain (ENTIRETY CHAIN) and each user’s SELF. This will further expand into an operating system (ENTIRETY OS).

The cryptocurrency $SELF and ENTIRETY CHAIN's native coin $ENTIRE will be essential to numerous mechanisms within the ecosystem.

The ultimate reason for doing this is described in the following video:

Explore the docs further by navigating via the menu, and if you would like to get in touch, please email: j@entiretychain.com

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© Next Ideas SEZC 2024